"In my opinion, Stop Wishing and Start Earning contains the best roadmap for "making the leap" into freelance copywriting ever written. That's because it does something that no other guide to this business has done. It gives you a specific step-by-step action plan to making the transition from wherever you are now — a full-time employee, a busy mom, a retiree, a recent graduate, a mid-life career changer — to where you want to be: a successful freelance copywriter. I wish I had a book like this in my hands when I started as a copywriter fifteen years ago. I would have been a lot more successful a lot sooner! "
--Steve Slaunwhite, Publisher
OK, let's add Steve and Ed to the list of folks I'd like to have on a WWHW Mastermind call. I forgot to mention Steve last time, but something Ed said recently reminded me of the depth of gratitude I owe Steve for his guidance on pricing!
And based on what I'm understanding about Guru's new ranking system, pricing is going to be more important than ever.
Ed's book is awesome - and his track record shows he knows what he's talking about. If you go from zero to 6 figures in just over 2 years, you pick up a few tricks along the way.
As I've said before - and even the most Guru/Elance devoted freelancers agree - the boards are a great starting place. BUT, it's also important to know how to find work other places. This is a great way to learn how to do that.
From WWHW...... two thumbs up!
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