Monday, September 15, 2008

When pricing turns ugly

Thought you'd get a chuckle from this response I got after submitting a bid for
some 500 word articles:

"Your price per article is very high. I have writers pumping great work out for
$5/article. I can give you quantity that is not an issue, but come down to
reality in your price and we can talk."

My answer (after I stopped laughing!):

"Well, best wishes to you! My calendar stays full at this rate, but I'm glad
you're able to find good quality at yours."

This little incident was funny on lots of levels for me. Here are a couple:
  1. He took the time to reply to a bid that was outside his budget.
  2. He seemed to think this charming reply was going to sweet talk me into dropping my rates : )
Hey, are you one of the writers he's talking about? Pumping out great articles
(500 words each) for $5?

I hope not!

If so, know this: the clients who pay 3 - 10 times more than this tend to be
much better clients - not only because they pay more, but because their
understanding of the "reality" of hiring a freelancer includes a greater measure
of respect.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Heck no! I actually had a guy pay$50 each for a series of 500-700 word artices and he left me a glowing review when the project was finished. He's even hiring me for more work! I find I do better work when I know my client is paying a premium...that whole Seven Cow Woman theory.