Friday, September 12, 2008

So, is freelance writing a big bowl of cherries? Or not?

Deb Ng has an excellent post here in which she debunks a few pernicious rumors about working as a freelance writer.

My take? I wholeheartedly agree.

No, it's not for everyone.
No, it's not always easy.
No, pajamas are really more exaggeration than true uniform - it's more the possibility than the reality.

So what do you think?

Working at Home: Myths vs. Reality | Freelance Writing Jobs


Kate said...

Sue! Your newsletter today really hit home. I'm working more hours now than I was at an office! Or am I... Time management fairy: help! (Not that I mind, I'd pick slavery to my email or office shenanigans ANY day).

Teresa said...

Hi Sue, Hi Kate
Here's a link to an excellent video on time management by Eben Pagen. Take notes, it's good stuff!

L. Shepherd said...

I haven't read the article, but I can say that for me, pajamas is a reality. I work seven days a week and pajamas are my uniform of choice.