Friday, June 27, 2008

You'll kick yourself if you miss this!

I've been talking about how info marketing is an awesome way for freelance writers to generate some passive income. So, what's so great about info marketing?

You can write and sell books and other products on any topic you're passionate about.
  • Got a child who sucks her thumb? Write about how you're solving (or not!) that challenge.
  • How about your pets? What tips and tricks can you pass along?
  • An expert on your hometown or state? Believe it or not, people are looking for this info!
  • A whiz in the kitchen? or the garage? People want to learn!
TIP: You can use a pen name and publish your own products on an infinite number of topics.

I'm definitely going to look at creating a second WWHW newsletter - one for info marketers. If you're interested, let me know. Email me at:

In the meantime, BIG NEWS!!!

FACT: If you're getting into internet marketing or info marketing, you MUST be able to make your own websites quickly and easily. You could easily spend hundreds of dollars getting a simple site built for you -- I know because I did. Now that I know how to build my own, I'll never do that again.

FACT: We writers don't all tend to be the 'Engineering' type - meaning, if we're going to build our own sites, it better be pretty straight-forward and easy. No complicated code words or anything like that.

FACT: XSite Pro is by far the easiest, most powerful website building program out there. And the price is miniscule compared to having even one site built for you - or even most of the other programs out there.

That's why I want you to know about these upcoming XSite Pro Webinars. You can get a guided tour through the program.

  • See how easy it is to use. Very intuitive - if you can send email, you can build a site.
  • Check out all the cool new features - video, social bookmarking, affiliate stuff, RSS feeds - all at the click of your mouse.
  • Get to hear it all from Paul Smithson, the guy behind the program. (Special plus for those of us in the U.S. - he's a Brit, so you get to hear his gorgeous accent. Don't you just feel smarter listening to someone speak like that? Heck, they could read the phone book, and I'd be mesmerized!)
Anyway, there are three different times you can join in. But you'll need to reserve your spot:

Wednesday 2nd July, 05:00am EDT (10:00am UK time)

Friday 4th July, 12:00 midday EDT (5pm UK time)

Sunday 6th July, 3:00pm EDT (8pm UK time)

As you can see, there are days and times to suit
everyone - no matter where in the world they live.

To register, just click here.
Hope to see(?) you there!

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